Use of Force by any Militia, or Religious Group in the Country Unacceptable: COAS

In a poignant moment, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir, with unwavering conviction, denounced the deployment of force or armed actions by any militia, entity, or group outside the sovereign state. This resolute stance was unveiled during a profound discourse with Islamic scholars at the venerable General Headquarters Rawalpindi, as revealed in a communiqué by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).


Islamic Scholars met with COS Asim Munir at GHQ on 17th November - ISPR

The essence of General Munir's message resounds: "Pakistan, a mosaic of unity, transcends religious, provincial, tribal, linguistic, ethnic, and sectarian demarcations. Any endeavor involving force or armed action, not sanctioned by the state, stands as an affront to our collective identity," proclaimed the COAS, his words etched with a sense of unwavering commitment.


COAS Munir, in a moment of profound admiration, extolled the 'Paigham-i-Pakistan' fatwa for its gallant role in dismantling the "misleading propaganda disseminated by extremists and terrorists." Urging the ulema to champion its dissemination and implementation, he called for an embodiment of its principles in both letter and spirit.


Amidst his acknowledgment, COAS Munir applauded the ulema for their instrumental role in steering the youth towards an enlightened understanding of the Quran, Sunnah, character building, and the acquisition of academic knowledge and technical skills. His words echoed a fervent commitment to inclusivity and a resolute rejection of intolerance and extreme behavior, particularly towards minorities and vulnerable segments of society.


Simultaneously, a chorus of condemnation against extremism, terrorism, and sectarianism echoed from the esteemed religious scholars. Their unanimous pledge of support reverberated for the tireless endeavors of the state and security forces in cultivating tolerance, peace, and stability within the nation, as elucidated by the ISPR.


In a collective voice, the scholars emphasized Islam's essence as a religion of peace and harmony, vehemently rejecting distorted interpretations propagated by vested interests. They stood united in endorsing the government's strategic measures to fortify the state, including the repatriation of illegal foreigners, the implementation of a unified documentation system, anti-smuggling and hoarding initiatives, and an unyielding crackdown against power theft.


Furthermore, the forum wholeheartedly acknowledged Pakistan's legitimate concerns about terrorism emanating from Afghan soil, passionately urging decisive actions by Afghanistan to address these apprehensions. The ISPR encapsulated the forum's sentiments, expressing deep-seated anguish over the Israeli bombardment in Gaza, unequivocally branding them as "crimes against humanity."


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